January 2021
Hello everyone,
Farewell to the ZOZO year!
It seems that apart from me, nobody on this planet has noticed the graphic similarity between 2020 and Z0Z0. And yet, in terms of zozos (a"dumb, stupid person" according to the French dictionary), we have been well served this year, in politics as well as in health and environmental issues, in the USA as well as in France, and probably in the rest of the world.
Il est temps donc de dire adieu a cette regrettable année... enfin non, on ne la regrettera guère... avec son lot de deuils, de crises et de confinements. Pour Francette et moi, la situation a été moins grave que pour d'autres; nos projets de livre et de films sur la Nouvelle-Zélande peuvent bien attendre l'année prochaine, mes fils travaillent en télétravail et si le restaurant de Courchevel dont ma fille est sous-chef ne voit pas encore approcher l'heure de la réouverture, ça lui a donné le loisir, après avoir travaillé plusieurs fois dans le bénévolat à Madagascar, d'aller oeuvrer dansIt is therefore time to say goodbye to this regrettable year... well, no, we will hardly regret it... with its share of mourning, crises and confinements. For Francette and me, the situation has been less serious than for others; our book and film projects on New Zealand can wait until next year, my sons work from home and if the restaurant in Courchevel, where my daughter is sous-chef, is not yet reopening, it has given her the opportunity, after having worked several times in voluntary work in Madagascar, to go and work in the "Migrants' Hostel" serving meals to migrants from Calais.
It snowed a few centimeters on Christmas night, a sudden and spectacular change of climate, the unlikely green of the autumn grass giving way to white and the ghostly silhouettes of emaciated trees.
On the boat side, nothing new, Banana Split remains safe in its marina in Australia, maybe we will be able to join it in the spring?
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