March 2021
Hello everyone,
Winter has been stolen from us!
I know that for some of you, the month of February has been hard, cold and snowy, and that, without reaching the summits of the Texas cold wave, the thermometer was not very graceful.
Curiously here in Auvergne, the cold wave has been very limited. And as for the snow, we have really been robbed: a few centimeters on Christmas night, and then, on February 12th, the weather forecast announced 10 cm of snow for the next morning... Immediatly, I get my drone, update the firmware, clean the lens, charge the drone's battery, The remote control, my Iphone, and prepare warm gloves and hot clothing... Forget it, only half a centimeter, just enough to line the branches of the oaks and firs and curiously make the paths appear, on which the snow has melted less quickly. It's spectacular all the same but not the heavy white quilt I was expecting.
I wish you an excellent month of March, and don't forget: we've never been so close to the summer of 2021 !
AntoinePrevious letter | Next letter
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