July 2020
Hello everyone,

Along the waterway...
Click on the photo to see the vidéo...The month of June was mild and rich in flowers, cherries, walks in the fields and forests; and for a few days, a little nautical, or rather river trip : For years, we have been friends at the Boat Show with the Canalous team, one of the biggest "coches d'eau" rental companies; and to celebrate both my birthday (a few weeks ago) and the upcoming birthday of Francette, we borrowed one of their "Tarpon 32" to sail, 39 years after having done so on board the small sailing boat Voyage, the canal from Roanne to Digoin......
Purpose of the cruise : to visit our friend Michel Troisgros, who took over from his father and uncle, Jean, and Pierre, in the fabulous restaurant newly installed in a vast estate in the countryside. What a pleasure to go for a ride on the water, then on an (electric!) bike on the towpaths! And what a delightful lunch!
Then we found the peace of the farm, where fruits such as plums and cherries grow freely; on a small cherry tree, what a pleasure to pick the fruits directly with the mouth!
For those who love archives, I had the pleasure of receiving from an absolute fan of Les Charlots and also from yours truly, an incredible quantity of video archives dating from 1966 to 2020, enough to enrich our "souvenirs" section. To begin, this month a crazy version of the song "Madame Laure Messenger, Claude, Jérémie et l'existence de Dieu" (Madame Laure Messenger, Claude, Jérémie and the existence of God) by the legendary Jean-Christophe Averty.
Bon appetit, and have a great July!
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