March 2025
Hello everyone,

Australia to Alberta
As our stay in Australia draws to a close, we leave on the first of March for New Zealand, then forward to France a fortnight later.
Quite gloomy weather in New South Wales, but also some fabulous sunsets! The most remarkable was photographed by our friend Claudie Touvron; Claudie and her husband Serge, both French, have lived in Australia for nearly 40 years...
Nothing related to our current trip, but while putting away photos taken during our shoots, we were suddenly taken to re-share with you the beauty of Montana and the famous International Glacier Park, straddling Canada and the USA. If the photos don't show many glaciers, it's because global warming is very sensitive to them: if the park had nearly 120 glaciers when it was created, it only had about twenty left when we visited fifteen years ago!
Speaking of the environment, the government has finally announced the "Year of the Sea", organised around the third UNOC meeting on the protection of the oceans which will take place in Nice in June. If you haven't yet downloaded our album Touchez pas a la mer autour du monde, created entirely with the help of artificial intelligence, now is the time to do so, it's available on all platforms, and the artist is called IAntoine.
See You !
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